Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays to You and Yours.

Tis the season for decorating, baking, partying, shopping, wrapping, toasting and holiday goodie indulging. The most wonderful time of the year for some. The most exhausting time of the year for others. A little bit of both for most. 

I asked the Burkett's Heroes to share a Holiday message, memory, favorite tradition, a best/worst gift story or a New Year's Resolution. Here's what some of them had to say:


May all in our Sacramento community have a safe and Happy Holiday season
and a prosperous New Year in 2012.~Randy
Peace to all. Try to remember in our time of abundance all the less fortunate than us. God bless all the people around the world that serve our country to keep us safe, and I am glad that many of our people in our armed forces will be home from Iraq for Christmas this year.~Vickii

Peace, love and light in 2012.~Erin
The elves leave a small present in my children's stockings each night starting 12 days before Christmas, with the last of the 12 days of presents being received on Christmas eve morning.~Gary
We always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. No one could wait until Christmas day.~Randy

For the last three years we've had a contest after the holidays that helps us all work together to lose all the holiday weight and more: The twenties for tubbies.~Tina 

I make homemade jams and bring them in as presents for everyone.~Tina

My favorite holiday tradition with my family is that we buy a new ornament for the tree. When we decorate every year we see all the different ones we've purchased through the years.~Tina

When I was a kid we always went to Brian Head Utah to my parent's time share at Christmas. Christmas day was the best day to ski. The crowds were thin and we usually saw Santa on the slopes.~Todd

I bake rum cakes like my Grandma used to. They are a hit at any gathering and it always makes me feel close to her.~Erin


My parents used to own their own cabinet and solid-surfacing business (RB Laminates) and every year for Christmas, my dad would make me something unique and purposeful using materials and his imagination. One year he made me a clear block picture frame out of bullet proof acrylic and another year he made me a little memento box out of Corian. These handmade gifts were always made to hold money or a gift card that he put in them, but honestly, my most favorite part was the holder itself because he made it and I could display it.  I love my mom and dad so much and I am thankful to have them both with me each year for the holidays.  I hope everyone gets to spend the holiday with the ones they love and remember, a handmade gift from the heart is often the best gift someone can give and get (and the most cherished as well).~Shannon
Best Christmas gift I received: iPhone (brought me out of the eighties). It could also be the worst as I end up playing with it too much at work.~Randy

Worst gift I ever gave: Nude Angel fountain statue to my mother (she was not pleased and I never saw again after she opened it).~Randy
My best Christmas gift ever: The Christmas after I had my first heart surgery, my brother arrived home from California on Christmas day after spending a couple of days stranded in an airport.~Vickii


My favorite memory of Christmas was when I was about 7. I had asked for a Walkman for Christmas and was soooo excited to see if I would get it. I couldn't sleep and kept checking to see if Santa came. Minutes were hours that night. It was about 3:30 in the morning when I snuck out of my room and saw that Santa had made his visit. I was kind of a short kid, so it seemed like the presents went up to the roof. I yelled "Santa came!" at the top of my lungs (my poor parents had just gone to bed, but I didn't know that). My brothers and sister came running out. We were told we could have our stocking and go back to bed. More waiting... Did I get it? I was never really good with patience as a kid (I'm still not). Finally my parents came in and told us it was present time. I remember flying through the presents. I GOT THE WALKMAN! I cried! My very first cassette was Dj Jazy Jeff and the Fresh Prince of BelAir. My parents always worked hard to give us a good Christmas, but that one was the best. I don't even remember any of the other presents I got, but I could still tell you exactly what the Walkman looked like. Merry Christmas! ~Jennie

New Year's Resolutions
No more weight loss resolutions.~Randy

Go to my wife's x-bike classes more often so I can keep up with her on the hills when we go mountain biking.~Todd

Whether you are enjoying holiday traditions or jetting off for a tropical vacation (lucky you!), Burkett's wishes you the happiest of holidays! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Festivus and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who are you calling UGLY?

Do you have an ugly office chair? 

Would you like a brand spanking new, comfy chair? 

You are in luck! 

Burkett's is holding an Ugly Chair Contest. 

If your office chair is ugly, email a picture to your sales representative so we can post it in our Ugly Chair Contest photo album on Facebook. 

The entry with the most votes wins the chair pictured above valued around $500. 

The runner up will receive $50 in Target gift cards.

Voting is simple. 'Like' or comment on the picture of the chair you'd like to vote for. You can find the album by clicking on the 'photos' link on our Facebook page or by clicking HERE Send the link to your family and friends and encourage them to vote. 

Enter and vote from December 6, 2011 thru 5 p.m. on December 28, 2011. 

Winners will be announced by January 5, 2012.

Good Luck!