Friday, August 19, 2011

TGIF...Pencils for Pupils

Hurray for Friday! 

Staple Art Update: I'm not ready to debut any of my staple art and it seems none of you are either. That's okay. Just know that if inspiration should strike with staples, sticky notes, or any other office supply turned art supply, we're here for you. Take pictures, send them to and you can have your own office supply as art supply showing on the Burkett's Blog. 

August Referral Program Update: There are 8 1/2 more business days in August to get your referrals in. Remember, the folks that you refer have until the end of October to place an order, you just need to let us know who you are referring while it's still August. Find full program information here.

Breaking News!: Burkett's is thrilled to announce we are partnering with Fox40 to bring 10,000 pencils to area schools.

Check out the Burkett's Blog on Monday for further details and to find out how you can help.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and fun weekend!

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