Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's an office supply, it's an art supply, it's... a staple!

As we discovered here with the sticky note, sometimes an office supply is not just an office supply. Sometimes it's an art supply. An image search of staple art yields a variety of examples from the amazing to the 'I could do that' variety. 

Air Force One by Baptiste Debombourg. This is definitely in the amazing category.

This is from the Everything Burger blog and is in the I could do that category.

Low Rise by Peter Root. This looks as though it requires an extreme amount of patience. Perhaps I could make a mini city.
Low Rise from another angle

Linda by robobriendesign. This looks cool and maybe not too tricky for someone possessing talent. I will not be attempting this.
Drop by robobriendesign. This looks fun and oddly therapeutic. 

Feeling inspired to dump those staples out of the box and make your own little city? How about a staple cupcake or pizza? If this gets your creative juices flowing and you spend your break or lunch hour producing staple art, take a picture and send it to burkettsoffice@gmail.com and we'll put it on the blog. If my kids and I come up with anything, I'll do the same. Remember to keep your fingers out of the way. Staples are sharp. Perhaps only my 5 year old needs that warning, but better safe than sorry. Happy stapling!

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