Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's an office supply, it's an art supply, it's... a sticky note!

The other day I was cruising the interweb for cool office supplies*, don't judge me - you are reading a blog about office supplies, and I came across tons of art. Yes, art. Art made with and from office supplies. Too many types of art to cover in one post (notice the foreshadowing here- I'm thinking reoccurring feature). Today the focus is: The Sticky Note aka The Post-it Note. Folks are doing some amazing things with sticky notes!

Pen & pencil on paper sticky note collage.

I like the blue alien with 3 eyes, although I feel like the green faced creature a few squares to the right is staring at me in a judgy way.

Rolled sticky note sculpture.

This is pretty awesome. I wonder if glue was involved or if the sculpture has superior core strength and is able to balance like this sans glue. Glue, right? Got to be glue.

Sticky note collage

Very cool. This looks tricky. Clearly beyond my artistic range. Admittedly it gives me the creeps when I stare at it too long. What's with me and eyes today? Am I the only one who feels like they are being watched?

I feel inspired. Perhaps a torn sticky note collage in warm colors? A block self portrait in neons? A sculpture in pastels? An outdoor scene? The options seem limitless. Wait. Little problem. I am low on sticky notes. Think, think, think.... Got it! I'm contacting one of my favorite Office Heroes at Burkett's and placing my art supply office supply order. I'll keep you posted on my forthcoming creations.

Are you inspired? Do you already have a sticky note art piece? Do share. Email a picture to burkettsoffice@gmail.com with 'sticky note art' in the subject line and you might see your artwork on this blog. If you'd like credit, don't forget to include your name and feel free to write something about your process.

Also, sticky notes are excellent to use around the office for actual work purposes as you can write on them and then stick them places.

* No, "Cool Office Supplies" is not an oxymoron. Of course, you're here & reading this so perhaps I'm preaching to the choir. 


  1. I see a Cordero creation in a future post.

  2. Was that a dare? I'll take it! Also, toddlers love sticky notes! ...On the walls, on the floor, on chairs, on their body parts, etc! Keeps them busy for the length of a shower, glass of wine...you name it!
