Friday, June 24, 2011


It's Friday. Friday afternoon everywhere in the country except Hawaii and Alaska who each apparently have their own respective time zones. Totally makes sense for Hawaii, but Alaska? Really? PST just not good enough for you guys? I digress. Doesn't matter. The point is in just a few more hours  it will officially be the weekend. "Everybody's working for the weekend..." Now you have Loverboy stuck in your head too. You're welcome! 

Friday afternoon seems like a good time for updates and a good old fashioned tease for next week. Off we go...

Sticky Note Update: So no one, including me, has been brave enough able to put in the time to create a fabulous sticky note art piece and submit it yet, BUT I did receive this awesome photo from my friend Sharpie Fine Girl:

Sharpie Fine Girl included this message with the photo: 

"Lil Sharpie dumped out her backpack today and found a gabillion little post-its of secret notes passed during class last year. They're small (great for passing) and can be quickly taped to a hand or book to hide the evidence....they also make a great cat bed."

Love it! Thanks Sharpie Fine Girl & Lil Sharpie! Ah, Post-its, so many uses so little time.

Tease: Brand new feature next week: Meet The Heroes! Who will it be? Try not to let this question distract you from your weekend fun. All will be revealed on Monday or maybe Tuesday at the latest.

For those of you keeping close watch on the time it is now officially afternoon in Alaska. It was still morning there when I started this post. I got interrupted by a very important phone call plus I was having font issues. I know, excuses, excuses. It's still morning in Hawaii though. Too bad for them as they have more hours to work until the weekend. Except too bad for us, because they are in Hawaii and we (at least I) am not.

Burkett's hopes you have a fantastic weekend! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sharpie Fine Girl and Lil SharpieJune 24, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    love it! does this get me another entry into the paragary drawing?!
