Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Hero In Action...Jessica

Jessica has been a Burkett's hero for only a few months. She is a customer service representative for the furniture division. Last week she got the chance to shine. Her boss, Garry Bailey, was so thrilled with a job well done that he sent a company wide email saying just that. 

Here's what happened. A customer arrived first thing in the morning in the market for a new desk chair. None of the furniture sales staff was available so Jessica was asked to come to the showroom and help the customer. Jessica showed the customer a number of chairs and was able to match the customer with a great chair at a great price and everyone was happy. The end :-).

Easy, right? Burkett's sells office furniture. A customer wanted an office chair and an employee helped her. We certainly hope it seemed that simple to the customer. The real story is that Jessica rose to the occasion and did something that isn't within her normal duties and that perhaps made her a bit nervous. She did it anyway and she did it well.  

The closing of Garry's email sums up the situation quite well:

"The client is very happy and stated that Jessica is someone we should hang on to. We are very proud of her for stepping up.

Thank you Jessica."

Yes, Thank you Jessica!

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