Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Introducing Burkett's Hero Kirk. Kirk has been heroing at Burkett's for 14 years. His current job title is Warehouse Manager. 

What are your responsibilities at Burkett's?

Too many too list.
Have you ever held a different job at Burkett’s? 

Yes, setting Furniture appointments, driver, furniture assembly.

What is your favorite aspect of your job:

The customers.
What is the most memorable thing to happen during your time at Burkett’s?

Karl's bachelor party.

The warehouse hours are a little different from standard business hours. What time do you typically get to work?


What are the pros and cons to a nontypical schedule?

The best part about getting to work that early is getting off at noon. It makes it easy to pick up my daughter.

What are 5 things Burkett's customers might be surprised to find out about you?

5. That I am a widower.

4. I don't like to camp.

3. I love to shop.

2. I'm a single Dad and my daughter is 5'7" at age 12.

1. I can't swim.

What is the coolest supply/furniture/printing item you know of that Burkett's offers?

The catalog with all that we offer. There isn't anything we can't get.

What is the supply/furniture/printing item that helps you out the most or that you use most often in your job? 

Box cutter.

And that's a wrap. Thanks Kirk!

We hope you have found this edition of Meet The Heroes both informative and captivating! Our goal is to get the inside scoop for you on ALL the Burkett's Heroes. Which hero's life will we delve into next? You'll have to wait and see...(cue suspenseful music)

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