Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays to You and Yours.

Tis the season for decorating, baking, partying, shopping, wrapping, toasting and holiday goodie indulging. The most wonderful time of the year for some. The most exhausting time of the year for others. A little bit of both for most. 

I asked the Burkett's Heroes to share a Holiday message, memory, favorite tradition, a best/worst gift story or a New Year's Resolution. Here's what some of them had to say:


May all in our Sacramento community have a safe and Happy Holiday season
and a prosperous New Year in 2012.~Randy
Peace to all. Try to remember in our time of abundance all the less fortunate than us. God bless all the people around the world that serve our country to keep us safe, and I am glad that many of our people in our armed forces will be home from Iraq for Christmas this year.~Vickii

Peace, love and light in 2012.~Erin
The elves leave a small present in my children's stockings each night starting 12 days before Christmas, with the last of the 12 days of presents being received on Christmas eve morning.~Gary
We always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. No one could wait until Christmas day.~Randy

For the last three years we've had a contest after the holidays that helps us all work together to lose all the holiday weight and more: The twenties for tubbies.~Tina 

I make homemade jams and bring them in as presents for everyone.~Tina

My favorite holiday tradition with my family is that we buy a new ornament for the tree. When we decorate every year we see all the different ones we've purchased through the years.~Tina

When I was a kid we always went to Brian Head Utah to my parent's time share at Christmas. Christmas day was the best day to ski. The crowds were thin and we usually saw Santa on the slopes.~Todd

I bake rum cakes like my Grandma used to. They are a hit at any gathering and it always makes me feel close to her.~Erin


My parents used to own their own cabinet and solid-surfacing business (RB Laminates) and every year for Christmas, my dad would make me something unique and purposeful using materials and his imagination. One year he made me a clear block picture frame out of bullet proof acrylic and another year he made me a little memento box out of Corian. These handmade gifts were always made to hold money or a gift card that he put in them, but honestly, my most favorite part was the holder itself because he made it and I could display it.  I love my mom and dad so much and I am thankful to have them both with me each year for the holidays.  I hope everyone gets to spend the holiday with the ones they love and remember, a handmade gift from the heart is often the best gift someone can give and get (and the most cherished as well).~Shannon
Best Christmas gift I received: iPhone (brought me out of the eighties). It could also be the worst as I end up playing with it too much at work.~Randy

Worst gift I ever gave: Nude Angel fountain statue to my mother (she was not pleased and I never saw again after she opened it).~Randy
My best Christmas gift ever: The Christmas after I had my first heart surgery, my brother arrived home from California on Christmas day after spending a couple of days stranded in an airport.~Vickii


My favorite memory of Christmas was when I was about 7. I had asked for a Walkman for Christmas and was soooo excited to see if I would get it. I couldn't sleep and kept checking to see if Santa came. Minutes were hours that night. It was about 3:30 in the morning when I snuck out of my room and saw that Santa had made his visit. I was kind of a short kid, so it seemed like the presents went up to the roof. I yelled "Santa came!" at the top of my lungs (my poor parents had just gone to bed, but I didn't know that). My brothers and sister came running out. We were told we could have our stocking and go back to bed. More waiting... Did I get it? I was never really good with patience as a kid (I'm still not). Finally my parents came in and told us it was present time. I remember flying through the presents. I GOT THE WALKMAN! I cried! My very first cassette was Dj Jazy Jeff and the Fresh Prince of BelAir. My parents always worked hard to give us a good Christmas, but that one was the best. I don't even remember any of the other presents I got, but I could still tell you exactly what the Walkman looked like. Merry Christmas! ~Jennie

New Year's Resolutions
No more weight loss resolutions.~Randy

Go to my wife's x-bike classes more often so I can keep up with her on the hills when we go mountain biking.~Todd

Whether you are enjoying holiday traditions or jetting off for a tropical vacation (lucky you!), Burkett's wishes you the happiest of holidays! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Festivus and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who are you calling UGLY?

Do you have an ugly office chair? 

Would you like a brand spanking new, comfy chair? 

You are in luck! 

Burkett's is holding an Ugly Chair Contest. 

If your office chair is ugly, email a picture to your sales representative so we can post it in our Ugly Chair Contest photo album on Facebook. 

The entry with the most votes wins the chair pictured above valued around $500. 

The runner up will receive $50 in Target gift cards.

Voting is simple. 'Like' or comment on the picture of the chair you'd like to vote for. You can find the album by clicking on the 'photos' link on our Facebook page or by clicking HERE Send the link to your family and friends and encourage them to vote. 

Enter and vote from December 6, 2011 thru 5 p.m. on December 28, 2011. 

Winners will be announced by January 5, 2012.

Good Luck!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Thanks to our wonderful Burkett's party planners for a fun and frightful company Halloween party. Food, games, treats and even a haunted house. Check out the festivities.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and happy halloween!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Burkett's Stray Cats

As you can read all about here, Shannon is one of the Burkett's heroes. Not only is she a great employee, but she is an animal lover with a big heart. As she told us in her Meet The Heroes profile, along with her animals at home she also takes care of the "Burkett's Stray Cats". 

We had a little extra excitement last week at the office. Shannon caught a cute little kitten that she took home, bottle fed and found a new home for. 

The latest rescued kitten dubbed "Danger Cat 5,000"
I asked Shannon to share a little bit more about the Burkett's Stray Cats and this is what she had to say:

I am currently feeding four to five feral cats. People drop them off because we are right next to the SPCA. The cats are usually un-altered and become feral over time and then have litters. People don't realize that the SPCA doesn't trap or find these cats. Jennie, Jackie, Margaret, Tony and I have rescued 2 litters so far and re-homed all of them- a total of 7 kittens and 1 adult so far. I have two from the first litter that are now my inside cats and they are the best cats ever.

Shannon's Burkett's Cats as kittens (above) and now. 

The kitten we just re-homed with Patrick's mom is the youngest we have rescued (about 3 weeks old). When they get to about 5 weeks their instincts take over and become very difficult to catch because at that point they are pretty much feral kittens that bite and scratch.

The feral cats often get into fights and do get injuries, but since they are wild, it is near impossible to get them in for treatment. 
Luckily, everyone that works here are major animal lovers and we all pitch in to buy food and feed the cats each day.

Shannon hopes to ultimately get all of the Burkett's Stray Cats neutered and spayed. 

Friday, September 9, 2011


Introducing Burkett's Hero Vickie Valerio. Vickie has been heroing at Burkett's for 20 years! She currently works in the accounting department. Congratulations Vickie on 20 years at Burkett's! 

Vickie with her 20 Year Anniversary Plaque

What are your responsibilities at Burkett's?

Posting all accounts receivables, collections, overseeing all credit card transactions, providing invoices /credit memos upon customer’s request, sending out monthly statements, resolving all accounting concerns or issues and assisting customers as needed.

Have you ever held a different job at Burkett’s?

I started in retail sales at our Folsom & 61st Street store. I've also answered phones and held other office duties at this location.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Working with and getting to know such wonderful customers.

What is the most memorable thing to happen during your time at Burkett’s?

This great company finally getting computers and direct phone lines.

What 5 Things might Burkett’s customers might be surprised to find out about you?
5. I enjoy gardening.
4. I participate in the annual autism walk (October 9th this year).
3. I am a Kings fan.
2. I have 4 children, 4 stepchildren and 12 grandchildren.

1. I have been with my better half (Ed) for 24 years.

What is the coolest supply/furniture/printing item you know of that Burkett's offers? 

We have some really cool chairs.

What is the supply/furniture/printing item that helps you out the most or that you use most often in the office? 

My calculator.

Anything else you'd like to share?

After 20 years I still enjoy coming to work every day!

And that's a wrap. Thanks Vickie! We hope you have found this edition of Meet The Heroes both informative and captivating. Our goal is to get the inside scoop for you on ALL the Burkett's Heroes. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

TGIF...Labor Day Weekend

Happy Friday! Wahoo we're heading into a 3 day weekend. 

Pencils for Pupils Update: 

The Pencils for Pupils program with FOX40 continues. FOX40's goal is to get 10,000 new likes between the FOX40 NEWS and FOX40 LIVE facebook pages after kicking off the campaign on Sunday August 21, 2011. Burkett's has 10,000 pencils ready to give to local schools once FOX40 gets those 10,000 likes. If you haven't already, help us out by "liking" one or both of the FOX40 facebook pages. Tell your coworkers. Tell your friends. Tell your grandma. Anyone can do it.

Here's a video from a FOX40 Newscast that aired this week mentioning Burkett's and the Pencils for Pupils program.  

Next week on the blog: The next installment of Meet The Heroes.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

TGIF...We're On The News!

Happy Friday! 


It's been a fun week for Burkett's fans. Has anybody been watching FOX40 news? The Pencils for Pupils campaign has been a focus on every newscast this week. I hear there's a segment featuring Burkett's CEO Todd Thurman, but have yet to personally see it. You can see a clip from this morning's newscast here.

FOX40 tells us they've had over 1000 new likes between the FOX40 NEWS and FOX40 LIVE facebook pages since Pencils for Pupils kicked off last Sunday. Burkett's has 10,000 pencils ready to give to local schools once FOX40 gets those 10,000 likes. If you haven't already, help us out by "liking" one or both of the FOX40 facebook pages. Tell your coworkers. Tell your friends. Tell your grandma. Anyone can do it. 


There are 3 1/2 business days left to take advantage of our August referral program. Don't forget to let us know who you are referring before the end of August so you get credit when they order before the end of October. You can even leave us a voice mail or send us an email over the weekend. You don't have to be a current customer to benefit from the program. It's simple. You refer someone to us, they place an order, you get a gift card whether or not you've ever been a Burkett's customer. Find the details here.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and happy weekend!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pencils for Pupils

Burkett's is partnering with Fox40 to give 10,000 pencils to area schools. As a local business we are thrilled to be part of this wonderful campaign to help our schools!

You can help too. It's easy. Just go to our Facebook page and check out the Fox40 posts. All you have to do is 'like' Fox40. When they get to 10,000 new likes, Burkett's and Fox40 will give local schools 10,000 new pencils.

Friday, August 19, 2011

TGIF...Pencils for Pupils

Hurray for Friday! 

Staple Art Update: I'm not ready to debut any of my staple art and it seems none of you are either. That's okay. Just know that if inspiration should strike with staples, sticky notes, or any other office supply turned art supply, we're here for you. Take pictures, send them to and you can have your own office supply as art supply showing on the Burkett's Blog. 

August Referral Program Update: There are 8 1/2 more business days in August to get your referrals in. Remember, the folks that you refer have until the end of October to place an order, you just need to let us know who you are referring while it's still August. Find full program information here.

Breaking News!: Burkett's is thrilled to announce we are partnering with Fox40 to bring 10,000 pencils to area schools.

Check out the Burkett's Blog on Monday for further details and to find out how you can help.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and fun weekend!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's an office supply, it's an art supply, it's... a staple!

As we discovered here with the sticky note, sometimes an office supply is not just an office supply. Sometimes it's an art supply. An image search of staple art yields a variety of examples from the amazing to the 'I could do that' variety. 

Air Force One by Baptiste Debombourg. This is definitely in the amazing category.

This is from the Everything Burger blog and is in the I could do that category.

Low Rise by Peter Root. This looks as though it requires an extreme amount of patience. Perhaps I could make a mini city.
Low Rise from another angle

Linda by robobriendesign. This looks cool and maybe not too tricky for someone possessing talent. I will not be attempting this.
Drop by robobriendesign. This looks fun and oddly therapeutic. 

Feeling inspired to dump those staples out of the box and make your own little city? How about a staple cupcake or pizza? If this gets your creative juices flowing and you spend your break or lunch hour producing staple art, take a picture and send it to and we'll put it on the blog. If my kids and I come up with anything, I'll do the same. Remember to keep your fingers out of the way. Staples are sharp. Perhaps only my 5 year old needs that warning, but better safe than sorry. Happy stapling!

Friday, August 12, 2011

TGIF...Sunny Summer Weekend

Happy Friday! Just a few more hours till the weekend. It's the last weekend of summer for some kids, others like mine have already started school. I believe Sac City Unified does things the old fashioned way and goes back to school the Tuesday after labor day. Whatever the case at your house, here's to a fabulous sunny summer weekend!

August Referral Program Update: We already have customers receiving gift cards for recommending Burkett's. Thank you to those of you spreading the word about our great prices and fantastic customer service! If you don't know what I am talking about you can find complete details here. You too can get a gift card for:

Check out the blog next week for another installment of Office Supply or Art? This time we explore the staple.

Burkett's wishes you a safe and happy weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Introducing Burkett's Hero Sharlene Marsh. Sharlene has been heroing at Burkett's for 13 years. Her current job title is Customer Service Representative. She is a fantastic member of our rockin' customer service team. Enjoy!


What are your responsibilities at Burkett's?

Processing orders, credits and ANY customer request...whatever they might need.

Have you ever held a different job at Burkett’s? 

Yes, receptionist.

What is your favorite aspect of your job:

My customers. They keep me laughing. Many have become friends.

What is the most memorable thing to happen during your time at Burkett’s?

We had a coworker lose his wife at an extremely young age. That has always stuck with me.

What 5 Things might Burkett’s customers might be surprised to find out about you?
5. I am married to my high school sweetheart. We've been together since I was 15.
4. I have 5 animals. 2 cats, 2 dogs and a rabbit.
3. I have a 5 year old daughter.
2. I volunteer to help provide additional money for area schools music programs.
1. I have a fear of swimming in large bodies of water.

What is the coolest supply/furniture/printing item you know of that Burkett's offers? 

The selection of specialty paper. You would be amazed at what's out there. 

Just a couple of Sharlene's Favs

What is the supply/furniture/printing item that helps you out the most or that you use most often in the office? 

I love my Sanford Jetstream. I panic a little if I can't find it...never mind the 50 other pens I have on my desk!

The Jetstream. Ooh...Aah.

And that's a wrap. Thanks Sharlene!

We hope you have found this edition of Meet The Heroes both informative and captivating. Our goal is to get the inside scoop for you on ALL the Burkett's Heroes. Which hero's life will we delve into next? You'll have to wait and see...(cue suspenseful music)